
How to delete Samsung Pay app on your device

06 Jun 2024 By PAYCEC

The Samsung Pay payment app is pre-installed on most Samsung smartphones due to its widely used use. However, despite being useful to many of its customers, Samsung Pay still contain disadvantages that make users from other devices and operating system and even its own users want to get rid of. 

Common Reasons Why Users Want To Delete Samsung Pay App

  • Preference for Other Services: Since these services integrate seamlessly with other services or devices, some consumers prefer alternative payment methods like Apple Pay or Google Pay.
  • Reduce Clutter: By deleting unwanted apps, you can quickly reconfigure the device's UI to make it easier to use. 
  • Improve Performance: Free up system resources and increase performance and battery life by deleting unused apps.

If you are among those who wish to delete the Samsung Pay app from your device, then adhere to the instructions provided below.

Delete Samsung Pay App On Your Devices

This detailed instruction will assist you in removing Samsung Pay from your Samsung device.

Go to your device’s main settings menu ad find the "Apps" feature. 

Once the application has opened, locate the list of installed applications and choose "Samsung Pay" to open its app information page.

Click or tap the "Disable" button. The app can be disabled to stop it from operating and remove it from your app drawer. 

Uninstall Updates (Optional)

If you want to go further and revert Samsung Pay to its factory version:

1. Tap the Menu Icon: Tap the three dots in the top-right corner of the app information page.

2. Uninstall Updates: Select “Uninstall updates.” This action will remove all updates and revert the app to the version that came with your device, effectively disabling its functionality.

Tailoring your mobile payment selections is crucial 

  • Personalized Experience: You can have a more customized experience by customizing your device to fit your preferences and usage patterns.
  • Security Management: By deciding which apps have access to your payment information, you can effortlessly control your security and finances.
  • Optimized Performance: Removing or uninstalling unnecessary apps to improve device speed and free up system resources is easy.
  • Focus on Preferred Solutions: Streamline your device with regularly used financial tools to ensure a positive user experience. 

In summary, following the above procedures will make removing the Samsung Pay application simple. This action is beneficial if you don't need to use the Samsung Pay app because you already have your preferred payment method.

However, we also want to suggest another optimal payment solution: PayCEC. PayCEC payment gateway provides seamless payment solutions nationwide with high security. Integrated with many modern technologies, PayCEC has become one of the top choices for businesses and individual users. 

Visit the PayCEC website for assistance and further information to learn more about the exceptional features that PayCEC offers.

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