
How to remove the Samsung Pay swipe?

31 May 2024 By PAYCEC

Consumers nowadays tend to prefer the smoothest and most convenient experiences that help to make their lives more fruitful than anything else. Therefore, financial transactions have been made simpler via applications, especially the Samsung Pay app. The continuous swipe-up motion to activate Samsung Pay from the lock screen or home screen, according to some customers, is unneeded and irritating. We will thus go over how to remove the swipe-up motion for Samsung Pay to better accommodate your usage needs.

The purpose of Samsung Pay's swipe-up gesture feature is to allow users to quickly complete their online payment, saving time and effort. The feature is especially convenient for people who regularly use Samsung Pay. However, for those who rarely use the application, it clogs up the interface and takes up space for other necessary applications.

The Need of Disabling the Samsung Pay Swipe

Though brings quick and convenient payment options, the swipe-up feature on the Samsung Pay App turns out to reveal unneglectable problems regarding security and convenience matters.

First, to avoid any accidental activation from unpurposed touching the home button. Every time this happens, you will have to take time to bring it to the default home screen, which is very inconvenient for busy people. This is helpful for those who don't use the Samsung Pay app often and need to prioritize shortcuts for other apps. This also leads to the second reason.

Secondly, eliminating the Samsung Pay swipe can also save the battery life of the device by getting rid of any unnecessary sudden performance from activating the feature.

Thirdly, the act of removing unnecessary features also helps save space and free up the device screen so that users can comfortably arrange the layout of the main screen more neatly and easily.

Another reason for turning off the feature is the benefit of having space for other payment methods. Indeed, users can replace it with another shortcut that better suits their needs. This will help you have a more optimal experience when using the device.

How to remove the Samsung Pay swipe

The Samsung Pay swipe-up gesture can be quickly and simply disabled via the settings menu on your device. To get rid of the swipe-up motion on your Samsung device, follow these steps:

  • 1. Open the Samsung Pay application or open it directly through the main screen.
  • 2. Go to the settings menu and tap the three-line icon (the hamburger icon) in the top left corner of the screen, and select "Settings" from the menu options.
  • 3. Look for "Quick access" or "Use favorite tag". Once complete the change, you can exit the Samsung Pay app to check if the installation was successful. Simply scroll up the screen to see whether or not the Samsung Pay app opens.

Additional Tips for Customizing Your Samsung Device

  • Rearrange App Shortcuts: You can rearrange the entire screen layout and preferred app shortcuts to optimize your device experience.
  • Use Alternative Payment Methods: If you use a certain payment method frequently, you can set that app as your default payment method. This action will help you access and use the application faster.
  • Explore Advanced Settings: You can learn and try to discover many other additional features to have a better experience.

Turning off the Samsung Pay swipe gesture will give you a more optimal and efficient mobile experience, tailored to your needs. This simple customization cascade has the potential to enhance the usability of your device and help you focus more on the features or apps that are useful to you.

If you do not like using the Samsung Pay application, you can try the PayCEC payment gateway. By integrating PayCEC, you can further enhance your payment experiences. PayCEC supports seamless and safe payments, meeting online payment needs anytime, anywhere. PayCEC's functions are designed with the latest technology developments and feature an easy integration process, making it suitable for individuals and businesses.

Don't worry—embark on a journey to improve your personal payment experience. For more detailed information, please visit the official website of the PayCEC payment gateway. Let PayCEC become a part of your development and accompany you in creating great payment experiences.

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