
How to disable the Samsung Pay swipe-up?

31 May 2024 By PAYCEC

Whether for daily activities, work, or school, we use our phones everywhere and at any time and prioritize using mobile payment applications to expedite transactions when processing payments.

Samsung Pay is one such app that makes it simple to pay bills on our Samsung devices by just tapping them. But while most features—like the swipe-up gesture to activate Samsung Pay—are appropriate for every user, some have found it distracting and unnecessary.

However, before disabling the swipe-up gesture feature, you can review some of its benefits to decide whether to turn it off or not.

The swipe-up feature to access Samsung applications is a shortcut designed for faster and simpler access. Whenever you want to use it, simply swipe up from the bottom of the screen to quickly launch the Samsung Pay application. Without having to navigate through the device's menu or applications, you can start making payments as soon as you access the application.

This feature is especially beneficial for users who frequently use the Samsung Pay app. However, in some cases, users prefer to access it step by step rather than through this shortcut, the reasons are given below.

Reasons People Want to Disable the Samsung Pay Swipe-Up Feature

The swipe-up feature on the Samsung Pay app services convenience and increases user experience on smart devices. However, because of issues regarding security, personality, flexibility, some people prefer to reach out for the app in other ways.

  • Personalization: Everybody has different interests and usage patterns, so the smartphone UI setting varies too. After disabling Samsung Pay's swipe-up feature, users can prioritize other shortcuts they use frequently to enhance their experience.
  • Minimize Accidental Activation: To users who often touch the keyboard and activate the program by accident, or ones who routinely utilize keyboard shortcuts for other purposes. Turning off the swipe-up feature can be a good idea to prevent accidental Samsung Pay launches.
  • Reduced Clutter: The screen interface will appear cluttered if there is a swipe-up gesture shortcut, especially for people who do not frequently use Samsung Pay. They want to turn off this shortcut to rearrange the layout to make it easier to see and manage.
  • Enhanced Security: Users now prefer to access the program through a series of steps rather than directly from the home screen or lock screen to safeguard account information. Before starting a transaction, turning off this option adds a degree of security and verification.

How to Disable the Samsung Pay Swipe-Up Feature

It's simple to disable the Samsung Pay swipe-up feature, and you can do it right from the settings on your device. Follow these steps to take control of your mobile payment experience:

  • 1. Navigate to the Settings in the app drawer or swiping down from the top of the screen and tap the gear icon.
  • 2. Locate the Advanced Features or Accessibility section depending on your device model and software version.
  • 3. Scroll through the advanced features menu to find Quick Launch or Swipe up to open. Toggle off the switch or checkbox to disable the swipe-up gesture. You may get a confirmation popup asking if you want to remove the shortcut.

After disabling the Samsung Pay swipe-up feature, you can reorganize the smartphone's layout to increase productivity and better fit your usage preferences. Besides, you can also expand other payment solutions to experience other outstanding features, such as PayCEC for example. You can integrate Samsung Pay with the PayCEC payment gateway to experience a seamless and secure payment process.

Experience the PayCEC payment gateway today to use more outstanding features when paying. Visit PayCEC's official website to find out more detailed information.

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