
International payment gateway for tech support business - No time like now to talk about it!

Friday, 24 May, 2024

We are living in a world where everything crosses, so if you are on your way to become an entrepreneur, going global is what you should think of first. But in order to provide worldwide shipping, you must be able to accept payments pretty much anywhere, and that’s when international payment gateways come in handy.

If you are baffled by international payment gateway for tech support business, look no further because we are going to cover everything you need to know about business technical support!

International payment gateways are not limited to any industry

International payment gateways are not limited to any industry

What is an international payment gateway?

A payment gateway provides a connection system between the customer and the merchant account, allowing businesses to accept credit, debit cards and receive money digitally in the most convenient and secure manner.

It is always applicable to popular online card schemes, like Visa or Mastercard, meaning your website will be automatically connected to them. Thanks to international payment gateways, you will not only offer multiple payment options but also streamline cross-border trades.

How a payment gateway for tech support business works

How a payment gateway for tech support business works

  • After a customer has finished selecting the items they wish to purchase, the merchant website will direct them to the checkout page, where they must enter their credit card information, including their card details and CVV number.
  • The data will then be encrypted and sent to payment gateways for transfer to card schemes (VISA, Mastercard, JCB, Discover, and so on). Following that, the card schemes will identify the credit card brand and clarify the customer's data.
  • If all of the information is correct, the issuing bank will approve the transaction and transfer funds to the acquiring bank. To get the money into their bank account, the merchant will need a merchant account (brought by payment gateway providers).

Why is payment gateway for tech support business a thing?

E-commerce boom has seen payment gateways take flight in the tech industry

E-commerce boom has seen payment gateways take flight in the tech industry

Technology is progressing faster than ever, and the global demand for innovations is increasingly high. As this market grows, going global helps your target audience become aware of what you offer, opening the door to a higher percentage of markets. And payment gateways are requisite for this!

In small business tech support services, allowing customers to pay by credit card is vital as cashless payment is on the rise, otherwise, your support representative can’t close the deal. Besides, selling a service related to tech support has inherent risks, including:

  • Volatile ticket sales: Because business technical support necessitates specialized skills, ticket sales are higher than in other industries, making it difficult for IT business owners and banks to determine an average transaction size.
  • Uncontrollable scams: We all have to agree that the biggest problem of IT support is fraud. Rampant malware and viruses have overshadowed the positive aspects of the tech support industry, making it less trustworthy in the eyes of customers.
  • Business technology support is a service: Your products are intangible, and many times customers have no idea what technological problem they are dealing with. Because of this, you are more likely to disappoint them.

On the one hand, payment gateways help a tech support business in compliance, because they abide by the regulations of the European Parliament, the US federal government and the UK government. On the other hand, having an international payment gateway also has several advantages:

  • Reduced Cart Abandonment Rate: Imagine how upset customers would feel if they spend hours browsing your site to find out that your services are not available in their local currency?
  • Offering flexible payment in local currency can drive more leads, lower cart abandonment rates, and increase profits. Therefore, having an international payment gateway for tech support business is a no-brainer.

  • Better Customer Trust and Loyalty: Card providers won't charge customers extra fees if they pay in local currency, giving your business the valuable trust and loyalty of your customers.
  • This also reduces the number of calls your customer support receives to explain that your business doesn’t charge the fee.

  • Lower Credit Card Decline Rate: Credit card payments made in the local currency have a lower decline rate because transactions easily pass the fraud test. Who wouldn’t favor a brand when they know the payment process will be smooth?
  • Reduced Chargeback and Refunds: Having the total cost displayed in a customer’s local currency helps to lower the chance of refunds and chargebacks. This type of unambiguity also helps small business tech support services secure customer’s trust.

What do you need to consider when looking for an international payment gateway

Payment methods

Payment methods are evolving with the wave of digitization. In Asia, most online transactions are made by scanning QR codes. Today, apart from region-specific payment methods, there are some global choices.

QR codes are hip and trendy in Asia

QR codes are hip and trendy in Asia

For example, credit and debit cards are the most widely used online payment methods, of which Visa and Mastercard are top dogs. So, if you are providing small business technology support, accepting them is a must.

Regarding payment gateway for tech support business, the number of payment options is not as important as which methods available in a given market. However, giving your customers a variety of choices will increase their satisfaction and your conversion rate.

Currency conversion

When using an international payment gateway for tech support business, you should take two types of currency into consideration:

  • Transaction currency: It is the currency in which payment is made. More specifically, if your product costs USD 100, but your customer from Singapore uses a credit card in SGD, they still have to pay in dollars.
  • Settlement currency: is used when recording transactions in financial statements. The settlement currency is not necessarily the same as the transaction currency. Usually, it has the same denomination as the local currency in which your company operates.

As you guess, transaction currencies bother your customers the most as they might not be patient enough to calculate the final price. More importantly, selling your services abroad in your home currency will create an extra cost of foreign exchange. Your customers would not be happy with it!

Multiple languages for international customers

Some Asian e-commerce sites are making a bad impression with checkout pages that are either not in European languages or poorly translated. It’s important to remember that any minor error on your checkout page – be it a typo or a translation failure – will leave a negative impact on your credibility and retention.

PayCEC - The best payment gateway for tech support business

PayCEC is a reliable business partner and service provider in the financial industry and other business-related services. With the help of long-time professionals, our mission is to help merchants to achieve their goals for the development and expansion of the international business market.

PayCEC is a fully worldwide payment network that not only allows merchants to be paid immediately and securely, but also allows them to withdraw money in multiple currencies to their company accounts.

International payment gateway for tech support business

International payment gateway for tech support business

PayCEC's collaborative teams of professionals, which include researchers, engineers, consultants, and business partners, continually generate creative solutions that give clients a competitive advantage:

  • A team of experienced professionals to help you solve your business's most complicated problems, decrease risk, and achieve competitive benefits.
  • Creates the most vibrant and bustling global e-commerce environment to inspire startups to turn their desire for success into reality with digital transformation.
  • Comes with a slew of certain features and resources. We want to assist merchants across the world in achieving their goals for worldwide business development and online expansion in the long run.

Alternative solutions for tech support businesses


" API " stands for "Application Programming Interface", a set of written instructions that connects and shares data between two devices, databases, or apps. In other words, it is a software language that allows us to perform tasks more easily online or on our smartphones.

In fact, we use APIs all the time and might not even realize it.

Moreover, APIs enable seamless software integration, allowing apps to share data in real time more easily than ever before. APIs have transformed the payment experience by enabling faster, more secure, and cost-saving transaction processing.

Small business tech support services can gain access to them and use them to create new products from which clients - who could be consumers, small businesses, or even enterprise companies would benefit.

API providers are any companies that allow third-party access to bank accounts in some form. Banking open to public API providers can be classified as both AISPs and PISPs, as they all provide APIs to assist their customers in using open banking.


These days, there are numerous international payment gateways to choose from, so the biggest question is which payment gateways will suit your business best.

Most importantly, keep in mind that you should not rely on a single payment method. Indeed, it is advantageous for tech businesses to provide multiple payment options in order to satisfy all kinds of consumer preferences.

Read more:

About PayCEC

PayCEC was established to help merchants accept online payments more quickly and easily. In the new media era, our payment flow has evolved to work seamlessly and effectively across all platforms and devices.

PayCEC is a truly global payments platform that not only allows customers to get paid but also withdraws funds to their business accounts in various currencies. Customers across the world have chosen us as their favorite payment gateway for tech support business.

We have created an open and secure payments ecosystem that people and businesses choose to securely transact with each other online and on mobile devices.

PayCEC Team

Frequently Asked Questions

At its most basic, a tech support business provides the technical expertise ad hoc. Most organizations, either small or large, use IT outsourcing services to resolve technical issues for a smooth business operation, in addition to boosting efficiency and productivity.

Because a rigid tech backbone requires consistent support, finding the right technicians can save money and accelerate growth in the long run. Below are what a tech support business typically encompass:

  • Usage supervision
  • Enterprises may boast the most cutting-edge systems and top-notch technologies, but they can’t prevent employees from making technical mistakes.

    Here’s where tech support businesses step in to reduce your worries about unreasonable resource usage, the potential for data breaches, and other IT issues due to human error.

  • Technical training
  • With the help of IT specialists, your employees can improve their computer literacy through formal courses, on-the-job training, or hands-on instruction.

    A tech support business can also offer soft skills training applicable to all professions, including adaptability, decision making, creative problem solving, and time management, which are hard for managers to measure.

  • Data breach prevention
  • These days, large enterprises are almost as likely as small businesses to experience breaches of confidentiality. And not every organization can bear the dire effects a significant breach has on their finance and reputation.

    Therefore, your business needs IT experts to seek ways to stop these cybersecurity attacks before it is too late.

  • Profit maximization
  • There’s no denying that whether you hire professionals in-house or work with technology consultants, you will have to pay for tech support.

    However, educating employees about technology and having ongoing maintenance will help to reduce waste and increase efficiency and profit.

Modern companies are technology-driven, meaning the tech support business helps them to compete. In other words, it offers you a competitive advantage by enabling your business to run quickly and efficiently. Also, tech support companies assist in making important business decisions that can increase profitability.

Starting a tech support business from scratch is relatively easy, but marketing yourself is not a one-day thing. And while being your own boss has inherent advantages, it also means that everything is on your shoulder. Lucky for you, there are simple steps that can take you one step closer to your dream.

Step 1: Set the stage

First of all, envision the big picture that depicts what you have to offer and who you want to serve. Make sure to know what specific skills are in great demand; and whether your target audience will be willing to pay you for your services.

The simplest way to start is to ask people you know what kind of tech problems stress them out, at home and at work. Give yourself some time to get a sense of the current problems of technical support services and how to address them.

Meanwhile, research the market. Instead of being discouraged if there are already a few competitors, try to learn more about them. You may discover that you can offer services or serve clients that they don’t.

When all of it leads you to an underserved niche, it’s time to make it happen.

Step 2: Set up your business

If you do not intend to raise any money through venture capital, want asset protection, and would like to have flexible management, a Limited Liability Company (LLC) is the way to go.

It is the simplest business entity to establish and run. Officers and directors, board or shareholder meetings, and the other administrative burdens that come with corporations are not part of LLCs.

Following that, you must register a Doing-Business-As to ensure that no one else can use your company’s name and start your business without an entirely new LLC.

There’s always a potential for accidents. Therefore, you’ll need workers’ compensation covering illness or injury sustained in the course of employment.

Step 3: Build your customer base

Kick off with your own website to display your services, testimonials from happy clients, and your contact information.

While creating a website is simple for a tech support company, it is more important to communicate clearly with your customers than to show your technical competencies.

Moreover, utilize your social circle. Let people in your network know what you’re doing and ask them to disseminate it. Don’t forget social media on which you can advertise your business with a zero budget!

Step 4: Use international payment gateways

Selling your services abroad in your home currency will create an extra cost of foreign exchange. Your customers would not be happy with it! Therefore, you need to integrate a payment gateway like PayCEC to start accepting payments from your clients where they are.

Technology is progressing faster than ever, and the global demand for innovations is increasingly high. As your company market grows, you might not be able to handle all unexpected technical issues. Here’s why is tech support important in business:

It protects business/customer data:

Data storage requires a specific way in which only relevant information is available to employees or customers, meaning data management is nearly impossible without technological assistance.

A non-tech company often can not handle it on its own. Hence, it’s advisable to outsource tech support to take care of your database and ensure its security.

Do not be afraid to seek tech support overseas, as the data can be accessed from anywhere with cloud computing.

It supports customers on an as-needed basis:

In terms of customer retention & satisfaction, live chat is winning the customer support race​​. It allows sellers to engage with consumers and solve their issues in real-time.

This act is sufficient to convert a dissatisfied customer into a loyal one. Given that Millennials account for more than 30% of all eCommerce transactions, investing in live chat support is a viable solution.

It helps to maintain office infrastructure:

Running a business is a difficult task. And it is not good news when fundamental office necessities like software, internet connections, laptops, etc. show signs of wear.

If your goal is long-term success, it is advisable to consult tech experts to identify and solve your problems; and take measures to prevent them from arising again.

This practice will not only save time and money but also increase employee productivity since there’s nothing distracting them from their priority tasks.

Technical support is often organized into tiers based on the difficulty level of the issues that technicians have to handle. That said, here are 6 types of technical support by level:


At this level, your business doesn’t need help from a technical support specialist. It's a form of self-service performed by customers or employees. That is, if a problem comes up, it can be resolved entirely by the user, usually through common tech knowledge, or a quick Internet browse.

Tier 0

Tier 0 also relies on self-help, but unlike pre-support, the solutions are drawn from your company's own resources, such as FAQs, detailed product information, blogs, search functions, and user forums.

This level of support is provided by in-house technical support, usually in collaboration with marketing and development teams, and is usually updated on a regular basis or maintained by a moderator.

Tier 1

This is where the actual tech support comes in. This tier involves basic help from lower-level technical personnel to troubleshoot usage issues such as log-ins, website navigation, set-up, etc., which only requires a basic understanding of the company's products and services.

Tier 2

When problems cannot be mitigated in pre-support, Tier 0, or Tier 1, they are Tier 2, where tech support specialists with in-depth knowledge are ready to help.

Technicians will review the Tier 1 request, assessing the validity of the issue and previously taken steps before finding a different solution using more sophisticated methods.

Tier 3

When Tier 2 can not address an issue, it is escalated to Tier 3, which takes most skilled technical specialists.

This tier frequently includes the creators, chief architects, developers, or engineers who created your service to identify the source of complex issues.

Then, tier 3 technicians duplicate problems, define root causes, and decide how to fix them using product design, code, or specifications. Once a solution proves effective, it is documented as a reference for lower-tier tech support.

Tier 4

Tier 4 support refers to support outside your technical team. It refers to tech support companies with technology to help you expand your business. For example, PayCEC offers merchant accounts to accept credit and debit cards from buyers worldwide to increase the competitive advantages of your business, and skyrocket your sales.

If you're on your way to becoming a technical support agent, you should think about how much education you need. According to Glassdoor, 33.4% of tech support agents have a bachelor's degree, while 2.4% have a master's degree. Regardless, it is possible to become one with only a high school diploma or GED.

Besides, you can increase value through certifications related to technical support, including:

  • CompTIA A+: It covers fundamental skills like installing, configuring, and troubleshooting PCs, mobile devices, and printers and generally helps to advance your computer support skills.
  • CompTIA Network+: This certification validates your ability to configure, design, troubleshoot, and manage wired and wireless network devices.
  • CompTIA Security+: This certification covers essential network security principles or risk and threat management. It serves as authentication and is a crucial step toward a career as a security engineer.

In some cases, employers require some work experience. They may consider the knowledge you've gained as experience, such as the technical courses you took while studying for a bachelor's degree, or they may prefer candidates having experience in a related position.

To provide decent tech support, you may also benefit from skills like problem-solving, customer support, attention to detail, and communication.

It is recommended that you learn technical skills while gaining hands-on experience to qualify for a position as a tech support specialist.

Plus, you may discover that previous work experience, as a customer service representative or as a cashier or sales associate, will make you qualified for opening your own tech support agency.

Although it takes time and effort to grow support business, there are five strategies you can use to accelerate business growth:

Hire the right people

Humans are a company's most valuable asset. To grow support business, you must build a strong team to help you achieve your goals.

“I see employees as partners, and appreciating each individual’s efforts and treating them right is what led us to where we are today,” said Mr. Jimmy Lee, CEO of BIN corporation group, “It’s always about people.”

Your company will be more well-prepared for future growth if it has hardworking people who are dedicated to its success.

Besides, focusing on priority tasks will save you time and energy, allowing your employees to perform to their full potential and foster a collaborative work culture.

Reduce your risks

Risk is an inevitable component of a business. Although it is impossible to control everything, there are numerous ways to limit internal and external threats to your company's growth. Your business insurance provider can be a valuable resource in this regard.

Not every business policy covers data breaches or other cyber losses. Small businesses should prepare insurance products that help them recover, including those that cover the cost of remediation and lawsuits.

As your small business expands, you may add space or equipment, develop new products or services, and distribute footprint, so you should review your policy frequently so your company stays safe.

Be adaptable

To be equipped for success, your startups should be able to respond quickly to changes. According to Mr. Jimmy Lee, an agile approach is the key to grow support business.

“Nowadays, I see many young start-ups choosing for themselves various potential business fields. However, they ignore the approaches, so the success rate is not high. If you want to export a warm coat to any country, you have to experience the winter there by yourself”, Mr. Jimmy said.

Always think ahead

While agility is an important quality for a startup, you can’t play it by ear when running a business. Anticipating is critical for any startup to maintain steady growth, and if you are lucky, to take your business to the next level.

Use a payment gateway for tech support business

On the one hand, payment gateways help a tech support business with compliance because they abide by the regulations of the European Parliament, the US federal government, and the UK government.

On the other hand, offering flexible payment in local currency can drive more leads, lower cart abandonment rates, and increase profits.

For example, PayCEC is a worldwide payment network that delivers solutions tailored to various markets. Not only does it allow merchants to be paid immediately and securely, but it allows them to withdraw money in multiple currencies to their company accounts as well.

Before launching your tech support services, you need to grasp three types of pricing to figure out which is the paid support model you will apply:

Net vs. list

The net price is the price a buyer will pay after any discount or promotion; the list price is the price a company offers to buyers without any discounts.

Add-on and fixed fees

Some technical support services charge based on a percentage of the product list price or net price plus add-ons - one-time payment agents who manage long-term projects have to make.

Adjustment fees

The price in the first year is frequently not the same as how much customers will pay in subsequent years. Tech support business owners add annual adjustment fees to account for inflationary factors.

As mentioned earlier, there are six levels of tech support, and pricing is set differently based on them. Small business tech support services often charge based on tiers called Silver, Gold, and Platinum.

The price should be sufficient to cover delivery costs but not so high that it discourages customers buying because they may have already known how much tech support should cost, thanks to the advice of previous customers.

Customers may be hesitant to choose you if your premium package costs 23% of the product list price, but other vendors provide it at 18%, even if you offer more.

It is critical that your service charges are reasonable so you can persuade the customer that it is a very good price for the value.

Starting a tech support business from scratch is simple, but marketing it is not. While running your own company has its advantages, it also means that you are responsible for everything. Fortunately for you, there are simple steps you can take to get closer to your goal.

Step 1: Establish the scene

Before you start a computer technician business, imagine the big picture of what you have to offer and who you want to serve. Make sure you understand what specific skills are in high demand, as well as whether your target audience is willing to pay you for your services.

Step 2: Establish your company

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is the way to go if you do not intend to raise any money through venture capital, want asset protection, and want flexible management.

Step 3: Increase your customer base

Creating a website to communicate clearly with your customers will be more effective than showing off your technical competencies.

Finally, make use of your social network. Inform people in your network about what you're doing and ask them to spread the word. And don't forget about social media, where you can advertise your tech support business for free!

Step 4: Consult a business strategist

PayCEC also provides an extensive range of company formation services to clients across five markets, including international company formation and post company formation support, related to legal services and corporate governance.

Know employee aspirations

A manager can benefit from understanding an employee's short- and long-term goals regarding their career development. It will enable your manager to determine how to best align and develop the employee's skill sets to meet the company's requirements.

Provide training courses

Managers should always encourage each individual to improve. They can do that by making obtaining skill-enhancing certifications or degrees a must. Obviously, the best way to support this as an organization is to pay for some of it.

Encourage smart working

Hard work no longer makes dreams work. Instead, encouraging employees to work smarter. Instead, encouraging employees to work smarter and devote more time to professional development activities will help them get closer to their career goals.

Encourage participation in skills training

These training sessions should not only focus on improving employees' current skill sets, but also on giving employees the opportunity to train in various topics about which they are passionate.

You can contact 650-253-0000 for any inquiries. Here’s other information to make sure you get the best Google tech support:

Help desk address
Call-back available NO
Department Technical Support
Help desk hours 24/7
The busiest time for help 10:45 a.m.
Average turnaround time 20
Other means of communication web, phone, facebook
Communication customer rating 85%
Quality of help rating 75%
Votes for online help 3,552

What if you can not get through to Google? In that case, choosing MobCEC is a viable solution, it provide support the software systems after launch, including:

  • Cloud, server and application administration, configuration, maintenance and support
  • Software, system monitoring, optimization and reporting
  • Remote troubleshooting and fixing
  • Batching and enhancements
  • Level 2/3 production support (24/7, On-call, Onsite). Contact here.

5G is one of the most recent technologies poised to revolutionize daily life. As we all know, it promises streamlined communication capabilities at a much faster rate than anything we've seen before. Here are the top companies that support 5G technology that you should be aware of:


In 2011, Samsung embarked on researching 5G technologies and has made remarkable progress since then. It is now considered one of the leaders in the next generation of technology. American citizens were among the first to use commercial 5G services as early as the second half of 2018, thanks to a collaboration between Samsung and Verizon.


AT&T has launched gigabit 5G connections in three cities and claimed to be the first to deliver 5G technology in America. AT&T planned to test millimeter wave equipment at 24GHz and additional "sub6" equipment. AT&T applied in Austin, Texas, for a two-year "5G" experimental license that would allow it to conduct tests in the 5GHz and 24GHz bands.


The networking firm based in California focuses on telco cloud, mobile core, SDN transport, and automation. It is a forerunner in Internet Protocol (IP) technology, which is advantageous given that the EPC/5G core is an all-IP network technology. Cisco has created an ecosystem in Open vRAN that includes all key companies and customer service points of interest.


The Japanese technology and communications specialist provides CSPs and industry players with highly dependable 5G networks. NEC created its NEC Vertical Business Platform.

NEC has positioned itself in large-scale 5G installations in Japan by assisting its CSP clients NTT DOCOMO and Rakuten Mobile. Its Open RAN solution is gaining popularity in various international markets.

Yes, technical support is an IT job. And a tech support business usually include:

  • Reduce the likelihood of unreasonable resource usage, the potential for data breaches, and other IT issues due to human error.
  • Provide training sessions to help employees improve their computer literacy through formal courses, on-the-job training, or hands-on instruction.
  • Some tech support companies also offer soft skills training applicable to all professions, including adaptability, decision making, creative problem solving, and time management, which are hard for managers to measure.
  • These days, large enterprises are almost as likely as small businesses to experience breaches of confidentiality. The tech support business helps you find ways to stop these cybersecurity attacks before it is too late.
  • Hiring small business tech support services will help to reduce waste and increase efficiency and profit.

Yes, many people find tech support a rewarding career. This is an excellent opportunity for entry-level job seekers who want to work in big tech. This position requires someone who can think on their feet and solve problems for other people quickly. It also entails asking a lot of questions and using mental flexibility to find the root of the problem and propose a solution.

It's also a good job for people who enjoy interacting with people and solving their problems. A person with good communication and interpersonal skills are more likely to excel in small business tech support services.

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About us

who we are

about us

We are honored to serve as your reliable business partner and financial service provider in the industry and other business-related services. With the help of our professional staff, to help merchants to achieve their goals for the development and expansion of the international business market.

Our payment flow has developed in the e-commerce world to perform seamlessly and effectively across all platforms and devices. We take pleasure in combining technology with customer service, to solve your concerns at the moment.

PayCEC is a fully worldwide payment network that not only allows merchants to be paid immediately and securely, but also allows them to withdraw money in multiple currencies to their company accounts.

We will contact you shortly.

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